Successful morning routing

Hey guys. What’s up?
Today we going to tell you about simple but most important topic in your life style

“successful morning routing”

Lot of people know these things but most of them not following it. But if you follow these steps , defiantly you can reach better healthy and much comfortable life style.

 Plan your next day before sleep

All are brush their teeth , having dinner , reading a book  or having a sex before sleep. But only some of them planning their next day before sleep.
Why do you want plan your next day?,
Because then you have a clear idea about next day. You never missed anything , no more postponing work and avoiding time waste.
Keep a little sticky note book and pen or pencil behind your bed. Plan your next day tasks one by one. Pretty easy …😉😉

Wake up early

we know this is the hardest thing you ever do. But its not complicated. We’ll give you some tips.

*Set your clock or watch as indicate 5 minutes early.
*Sleep early ; at least 10pm. Then you can wake up early. 

Specialists recommended that 6-8 hours sleep better enough for healthy life style .
Believe or not ,If you wake up early you can absorb better universal energy.It gives you fresh start for your day.

Eat healthy breakfast

We know that you are usually take breakfast. but we saying you “have healthy breakfast”
Healthy mean it want to be nutritionally balanced breakfast. Before you going to have breakfast  drink at lest two cups of water for empty stomach. usually do it.
Remember healthy meal routing keep you away from deceases and sadness.

Do physical activity

Having healthy breakfast not enough for healthy life style. You need to strength to solve life barriers. In that case u need to fit in physical way. If you can go for jogging or go for gym in the early morning, if u haven’t much time at lest run 5 or 10 times around your house.
Once a week skip office elevator, use staircase. Simple things give you much more you expect.

Do important things first

This is much important. Because if you postponed your major works to do in evening time or end of the day , most of time you will be post pond your same work for next day. 
physically you getting tired hour and do important things in very first morning. Because you have fresh mind to do fully effort works in the  morning. 
If you follow these steps you never falling under pressure.

Hope you guys enjoying the articles. If there any  mistakes or any suggestions please leave a comment in comment section. See you soon..
“Today your effort tomorrow your success”
*All image credits goes to 1st owners


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